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Upcoming Events

Each meeting has a guest speaker or two, follwed by plenty of networking time.

There are no products, services, or training materials for sale at any events listed on REI Networking, because these are simply free networking and learning groups.

Everyone is welcome!  Bring a friend or colleague. No RSVP is needed; simply show up and connect.

REI Networking in Liberty Lake

September 14, 2020

REIN Logo Presented by REI Networking

WHEN: Second Monday of every month

WHERE: Use the main entrance and go upstairs via the elevator or stairs. The conference room is #209


FORMAT: Each month we have a guest speaker or two, followed by plenty of networking time.

Your REI Networking Host: Kelly Clark of CM Property Buyers (,

Free! Everyone is welcome! Bring a colleague. No RSVP is needed. Simply show up and connect.

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REIN Logo Look for our logo to indicate events hosted by REI Networking