Real Estate InvestHER Community - Spokane, WA
March 11, 2025
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Success in Real Estate Investing is all about your network of contacts. REI Networking connects you, face to face, with like minded investors, financiers, agents, contractors, wholesalers, buyers… everyone you need know.
Each meeting has a guest speaker or two, follwed by plenty of networking time.
There are no products, services, or training materials for sale at any events listed on REI Networking, because these are simply free networking and learning groups.
Everyone is welcome! Bring a friend or colleague. No RSVP is needed; simply show up and connect.
March 11, 2025
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March 13, 2025
Real estate has something to offer everyone! Have you ever wondered what you can do in real estate? Every second Thursday of the month from 6pm - 8pm we meet to have a good time, meet new people and learn something new about real estate investing! With new guest speakers each month, we get to learn so many different aspects of the real estate investing world and everything it has to offer. We can't wait to see you there! For more information, visit:
This group meets the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Look for our logo to indicate events hosted by REI Networking
Coeur d’Alene Idaho is the place to be on September 22, 23, and 24, 2023.
The event will again be produced by Marishka Pilch, Larry Gill, and Kelly Clark. Due to popular demand, we’ve expanded to 2.5 FULL Days. We’ve moved the event to a month earlier. We’re keeping the boat cruise.
The event was such a success, and we’re expanding! The tentative schedule is:
Many folks said the cruise was awesome! Such a great networking opportunity.
Do you need help, have some ideas, met someone but forgot to get a phone number? We want to make our events everything you need them to be. Drop us a line; we would love to hear from you.